The first drawing is full of foam - how to avoid this?
First of all, froth means the beer is rich in proteins. When you serve it, the bubbles rise up, and bring them along, and then the whole substance settles to the surface. The richer the beer is, the more things rise and make a thicker froth! This situation is unstable, however. Bubbles will eventually pop. Because of this, the froth will gradually disappear. This usually takes a minute or two. But it varies depending on the beer and the proteins in it. That's why it makes the beer froth.
The right way to prepare your glass is to rinse it with water, to remove any residue from the cupboard or the dishwasher. Then pour the beer by holding the glass vertically, and only when one to two centimetres of froth appears can you start tilting your glass as usual. It is actually the froth that makes you enjoy the most the aromas of your favourite beer! It creates a barrier between the drink and the air, to prevent the oxidization of the aromas. Without this "neck of froth", the aromas would not be so strong.
For a perfect beer:
1. Refrigerate your keg for at least 10 hours.
2. Rinse the serving tube between each keg and the spout thoroughly.
3. Install the keg in the dispenser.
4. Place a glass under the spout: pull the handle down for 2 to 3 seconds and then release it.
The first glass contains a lot of froth. Discard the froth and rinse your glass with cold water.
5. Tilt your glass at 45° under the spout. This position allows the balance between beer and froth to be achieved.
6. Keep your glass tilted and quickly pull the handle down. At the end of the service, straighten your glass while raising the handle.
If you have too much froth, your beer is not yet cool enough or there are impurities in your glass.Did the answer solve your problem?